Very interesting, "you rather have an immoral as president who...
Very interesting, "you rather have an immoral as president who is willing to fight for all classes than have the same old politicians who cares for themselves not Haiti." I wonder if you heard what micky said about his own wife, listen to him. During the interview when he was asked about his wife suffering from his esplanades, he replied its rather she suffered than I. Everything my friend has said will come ba can only convince those who don't do their due dilligence.
His words and actions will come backto hunt him. His fixer is playing the mind game but it won't affect those who are in the know.
Oh, Pat what about "Old politicians and Young reactionary who has long been hanging out with the hard core politicians! Oh, by the way our friend told all of us during an interview that he had his "Tonton Macoute Card" when he was 15 years old. I've made several trips to Haiti since the earthquake.
On the 1st mission a few days after the disaster I was on the ground with the military, the "famouss 82" rescuing people, feeding the hungry with our reday meal. Yes, Pat I've made many trips, I've been in the tents.
I have followed your instructions to the letter.
You are entitled to your opinion, but not everyone sees it your way. I know a young professional woman who married a jailed criminal.
Unfortunately we have too many yound ladies with low self esteem who would settle for the lowest.
I give you the benefit of the doubt that you are wise in the choices you make in life. I'm affraid your behavior does make you vulnarable.
I've seen hundreds of young women of colors living in abusive relationship, many have been murdered by their "lovers", You can do better than that. Peace & blessing