There's a bit of misunderstanding my dear. that has nothing to...
There's a bit of misunderstanding my dear. that has nothing to do with "Forgiveness or Love" I love Mr Martelly and would forgive him if he does me wrong.
Let's remain focus, I was referring to my friend life story from his own mouth how he has deceive people, did crack and everything in between.
I stand on principles, I grew up in Miami in the entertainment business back in 1982 before joinimg the law enforcement community.
What is the message for our kids, mess around, do crack, strip out, be a con artist and hire a slick PR firm, prey on the emotion of the weak and....
I love you and I love micky, but my friend can not and will not be president.
We have gone low enough, we've lost our credibility on the world stage and trust me. For your info go to youtube abd see for yourself the resume of our friend;
sweet micky drug, sweet micky jojo lorquet, sweet micky second wife issue, sweet micky child support
There's a lot of things that will come out to light in due time.
Much love and respect to you
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MR officer,as someone who clain that join the law...
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