Mr. Ira Kurzban seems as if he is really going for the gusto...
Mr. Ira Kurzban seems as if he is really going for the gusto.
I find it interesting how he mentions that Aristide should be allowed to return to Haiti, and that No foreign powers has the right to block his return.
Who is stopping him?
From what is known the President of CEP - Mr. Gaillot Dorsinvil had invited Mr. Aristide to attend a conference in Haiti on Novemenber 13, 2010, and Aristide had answered in a letter dated November 18th that he could not attend.
In that letter he had advised the CEP to allow Dr. Maryse Narcisse to be the representative of the Fanmi Lavalas.
This letter can be seen on under 'Repons Dr Jean-Bertrand Aristide'.
I also understand that he needed a passport from the Haitian geovernment, and that the Interior Minister Paul-Antoine Bien-Aime affirmed on February 8th to have handed Aristide the passport personally to Mr. Ira Kurzban; of which Kurzban affirmed to.
If Mr. Kurzban know of any evidence that supports his claim that the U.S and South African governments are holding Aristide hostage, then he should take his case to the United Nations or the World Court.
First, we have the United States being accused of kidnapping Mr. Aristide, and now we have a conspiracy to keep Mr. Aristide in South Africa by France, USA and South Africa, according to Mr. Kurzban, to keep Aristide away from Haiti.
Listen Mr. Kurzban, as his lawyer, you should advise Mr. Aristide to call his kidnappers to face justice, as well as taking his case of being held in South Africa without his approval.
I personally do believe that Mr. Aristide's wanting France to give Haiti back the 90 Million Frans that Haiti had to pay for its independence is a valid and moral point.
A sum which is equal to 21 Billions US dollard in today's rate. England, Germany and the United States also robbed Haiti.
but that is another issue.
By the way! A lot of countries have been robbed in the world, may be Aristide's wanting France to payback the stolen money at gunpoint is too scary to deal with.
Haiti was the favorite vacationing spot for Americans and Europeans in the 50's and early 60's. That should let a lot of people know a thing or two about Haiti.
Anyway! Back to Aristide - a lot of weird and devilish things happen under his government, but that could be also said of Duvalier's - people should remember that Duvalier was not a priest before he became a ruler of a nation at 19 years old.
Most Haitians do not know that a 500 million dollar loan was blocked by the Clinton Administration under Aristide administration that probably could have saved the Haitian, but that is another topic; just as the approved embargo by Aristide.
Well! Getting to back to the point - Aristide said that he is ready to go back to Haiti at any day, any moment and any time, then Mr. Kurzban you should adivse him to take his pretty American wife and American Children to the South African Airport and start a hunder strike under a big cross, until he is allowed to board a plane to take him to Haiti.
Stop the fecal discourse, and get some balls and get down to it. Too much talk - let us see some action.
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