Mr. Ira Kurzba became a millionnaire on the backs of poor...
Mr. Ira Kurzba became a millionnaire on the backs of poor Haitians, and he is as guilty as his client.
The money for our infrastructure, education, and health care went to him. I am not one hundred per cent sure, but was told $50 millions and it is stolen money from the country.
You can get anybody to say just about anything good, or bad for way less than that and he is defending his wallet.
He could not learn that kind of money his entire lifetime, and did in five years representing one single client.
I am not a politician, but would simply like Mr. Aristide to show us how he bacame so filty rich suddenly and how did he get his wealth.
He did not have $10 to his name, and now can afford to spend $50 million dollars in legal fees. He also built a University, and medical school in South Afrida.
We do not know where the rest of the money is, and probably never will. He is not the first, or the last and certainly not the only one. The Duvalier never received money for the international community, and built the country.
I am not for them either, and they are also guilty.
We also must understand many crimes were committed by Jean Claude's entourage, and by the men his father left him in their care. He was eighteen years old, and just wanted to have fun. He did not order them to kill people, or commit atrocities and just wanted to be a typical teenager.
Haitians are rough, and raw. Duvalier Sr. demanded respect from the "whites", and put them in their places.
I also remember a clean, safe, and normal Haiti.
I walked everywhere, and never heard of kidnapping.
We need Michelle Martelly to deal with them, and Mrs. Manigat is too polite.
I have nothing against her, and understand she is very educated.
I strongly believe that she should have a position in the Martelly's government, but Michelle Martelly is the man and should be the next President.
He has his own money, and hopefully will not be stealing the country's money.
We need to separate the act from the man, and he is not a bum. He went to Saint Louis de Gonzague, and came from a nice family in the South.
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