Who is Jude Celestin, can anyone throw light as to whom he...
Who is Jude Celestin, can anyone throw light as to whom he really is. Is he a poet, a politician or...
God knows what. To whom or for whom has he written this discourse?
Surely, he did not have the Haitian populace in mind; probably, he is addressing his degreed colleagues.Does he think that the electorates or the men in the street has the time or the inclination to decipher those tortuos proses, and find within a meaning.Mr. Celestin would do well trying his hand at writing poetry or plays; maybe, in a few centuries to come, he may be acclaimed the Shakespear of the twenty first century.
However, I do agree with him on the analysis of the situation; Even though he has downplayed certain facts relating to himself and his involment in the whole scenario.
Nevertheless, as someone has suggested in a commentary heretofore, he should take time and recuperate from the defeat; and as a through indefatigable politician, return to the scene and prove to the powers that be, who is Jude Celestin.
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