The political mardi-gras continues. Hey! I really like this...
The political mardi-gras continues.
Hey! I really like this one, it says: "What is so difficult about letting THE PEOPLE of the Republic of Haiti choose a leader?
7 Fevrier is 3 weeks away...
Will Haiti have a president?
Check this out! One day it will not be difficult for others to let us have a President, because we will be spritually in tune with ourselves and history; whereby, we will make it easy for ourselves to have a President.
Well! The 7th of Feb is only three weeks ...
Will Haiti have a President?
My friend, Haiti has not had a President yet; let us hope that it will have a President soon.
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OAS Haiti Election Report Analysis - Flaws and Unsupported Conclusions
More Haiti Election Drama - The OAS final report for the first round of the Haiti presidential elections has been analyzed and found to be flawed...