They are returning to assist in the crisis that exists in...

Earl Wheby Jr. - January 17 2011, 12:04 PM

They are returning to assist in the crisis that exists in Haiti today.

I don't think you understand about Baby Doc who came to power at age 19 and wasn't much concerned about government but more interested in playing around.

Later in life he was duped again by his high spending wife and his father-in-law whom I was pilot for (google "ernest bennett haiti) and these are the people who ran off with the money not Baby Doc. What he has left in Swiss bank is a trust his Mother established for him and the amount of money involved is not worth wasting time over. On anothe issue concerning my previous post for Haitians living in get organized to form consruction company to assist in rebuilding and immediate needs for new water and sewer treatment plant before rebuilding Port-au-Prince U.S. funding assistance will be needed.

If readers are interested to assist you can do it with your computer by going to and clicking on "contact" in upper right corner.

If you are oganization before filling out form scroll to bottom of page and click on "organiazation" which will get your message a lot more attention and requesting President Obama to help out his black neighbors before giving $3 billion a year to israel to stir up trouble for the U.S. in the Middle East and to reply to the appeal of myself and you that he give emergency assistance to Haiti for new water and sewer treatment facility which is needed before rebuilding of Port-au-Prince can begin.

This effects the health of Haitians now dying daily from disease.

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