The hutus and tutsis of Rwanda went at it and almost a million...
The hutus and tutsis of Rwanda went at it and almost a million was butchered.
It started in the mind, not in the weapons used.
The arabs can not seem to unite not because they are retarded, but because it can be done in the mind.
South America is divided not because they don't speak the same language.
My brothers in power in Haiti are running around as if they do not know where they want to go.
To get a hold of one's mind, it is necessary for you to see that your mind is not your own. Once you see that it is not yours, then you can begin to make efforts to own your mind. Once you own your mind, then you can not blame anyone else for the mistakes or misfortunes that life seem to rain on all of us from to time.
To keep blaming everyone else for situations we should grab a hold of by whatever means necessary, is a mental disease (weakness) that this generation should try by every to eradicate forever.
Simply because, once you believe that someone else has the solutions to your problems, then the problems can never be solved by you.
Power is not something given, power is something taken.
Power is in the mind, take your mind and create your own reality with your faith.
Weapons of Mass Destruction is first created in the mind. A manchete is a useful weapon, but the mind can twist it to be used destructively.
You and i do not need anyone to mediate in our conversation.
Conversation builds the bridge of by which we can travel on roads of good communication.
Without communication, there is no creation and the destructive powers takes advantage of that situation.
Let us celebrate the creative powers of communication, because without it the destructive powers can be planted and take root.
It is time to stop blaming others for our lack of insight.
It is time to enlightened ourselves and take responsibility for our situations, and move to action in order to fix them.
Do you want to take responsibility for your life today, or would you like to continue to blame another for your situation.
It is up to you!
If anyone wants harmony in their community, then let them be harmonious.
If you want more love in your society, then be a loving person.
If you want less destruction in your culture, then be a creative person.
If you do not want anyone else to fix your problems, then solve them yourself.
If you want the world to have less wars, then do not start one.
If you want the universe to have more love, then give mor love.
If you want to know what the greatest weapon is, then look in your mind; for, it is where all weapons of destruction are created.
What is in your mind?
Be carfeul what you think about often, because it can become your reality.
Again! Do you want to take responsibility for your life today, or would you like to continue to blame another for your situation.
It is up to you!
As for me my world is not about what evil is doing, but it is about how i take care of mind which is the door to my soul.
Look at your mind and try to see your faith.
In faith you will see, but in fear you will not.
Meditate for a few days, we have said enough for now.
God Bless you!
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Hello, I wish that was it. Black and white light and...
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