Meeting With Bill Clinton And Haitian Leaders Moved To Dominican Republic
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So far, 22 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Meeting With Bill Clinton And Haitian Leaders Moved To Dominican Republic
Pesonn pap janm konnen, ki sa ki nan tet moun kap dirije Ayiti, paske, yo pa janm fe prev moun ki responsav. gade byen pouw we, le peyi-a rive nan... more »
I don't think that the international community cares about what is happening in Haiti; if they did they would try to help solve the problem first... more »
As my friend said we are the ones to stop this whole crack-house party not a foreigner. Especially one who would like to see you crippled. So let us... more »
Freres et Soeurs, Ce vra que enpil, enpil nan nou fanatik Bill Clinton. Ce vre que li toujou la pou li ba nou yon ti soulagement. Ce vre que li vle... more »
It doesn't matter where the meeting takes place. No man, no country will be able to help Haiti as long as haitians people fail to repent from their... more »
Before Mr Clinton talks about how much he cares about Haiti again, I would like him to tell us where all the money that was given from regular Joe... more »
Muffi, i read your response and wanted to let you know that i feel your vibe to the degree that i can. And yes, some of the points you raised are... more »
BRAVO!!!! You just voiced my thoughts,Well said, bravo! more »
Ronald, your points are very well taken and educational. Thank you for responding with courtesy and respect. You make me laugh and you made my day... more »
Muffi, Yes! It was a joke, i just could not help it. But on a serious note, I am touched by the fact that you have a sense of humour, and i am moved... more »