Let me clear that up for you sir: I don't like to speak French...
Let me clear that up for you sir: I don't like to speak French and don't particularly like the French culture.
I only speak French when necessary as a mode of communication, no more and no less.
What I are picking on is that I made references to keeping what we have got as a culture.
I am tired of watching Haiti rebuilding houses, infrastructure, etc...Since the French language whether we like it or not is part of our heritage.
I have suggested that we keep the language but we could use our own culture to reflect us, Haitians.
I also suggested that we keep both languages creole Haitian, and French on the streets, public and private sectors.
To do this will enable us to be part of larger world because more more people in the world speak French than they speak Haitian (creole).
We can't afford to isolate ourselves anymore.
We have to be smart of this and a third language should be learned either English or Spanish.
to Haitian children.
Besides to make Haitian Creole a written language needs some fine tuning in order for all of us to use on a uniform.
If you can't see the point, then there is nothing to talk about.
Response to:
Marjory, je vous salue avec le mot de Kesner Pharel...
Une Bourgeoisie Haitienne Gardienne Des Moeurs Francaises En Haiti
Toulimen Says... Une Bourgeoisie Gardienne Des Moeurs Francaises Au Detriment Du Peuple Haitien: Haiti ne sera jamais...