It is long over due, and Senator Patrick L is correct. The...
It is long over due, and Senator Patrick L is correct.
The Obama Administrator needs to cancel visas for senior Haitian Official and their families.
These people do not care about Haiti but make Haitian people feel a shame, if Washington really wants to help Haiti, the time is arrive for Washington to stop going to bed with those who are stealing from their own Country.
These Haitians do not have any sane of remorse for what they are doing to they own country.
Washington needs to stop saying one thing and do another.
I am a Haitian sometime I feel killing myself.
We understand what is going on in Haiti the Haitian government is not solely responsible for it. We can take an example about what wiki leaks says regarding the policy others country toward Haiti.
It is time for those countries to come clean, and move from word to action to help the Haiti people get out in the hole they are in now.
Neglakay Haitian for life!!!
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