Bonjou Sergo, mon che sa-w di la yo telman bel se sa-k pouse...
Amonnon Louis
- December 7 2010, 9:44 AM
Bonjou Sergo, mon che sa-w di la yo telman bel se sa-k pouse nou ekri repanse Ayiti andedan liv sa-a, wap jwenn tout sa-w di la yo e yon sistem gouvene sa ka bon pou peyi-a. si-w we-l menm jan mwen menm ak dastine we-l ann travay pou nou promote liv sa-a ki titre Repanse Ayiti-a pou nou ka gen yon Ayiti meye. this the web sight to check the book Rethinking Haiti, it's powerful and instructive.
Now I do believe all the Haitian citizen have to stand and defend his right,by using the article in our...