Hypocrisy or not Charles Henri Baker could still be the next...

Gille - November 16 2010, 10:46 PM

Hypocrisy or not Charles Henri Baker could still be the next president of Haiti.

This site is a fanatic one anyway.

It does not represent a sample of the true voting population.

If the election occurred on November 28th, only the people who can and will vote will determine who the next president of Haiti is.
What I know for sure is that the Haitian people would foolish if they let a great opportunity like Baker slipped through their fingers.

I know Haiti is famous for ongoing tragedy and missed opportunities;
But I do hope that Haiti does not let Baker slipped through their fingers;
It would have been one of the biggest missed opportunities, ever.
Let us hope that Haiti will shake off its stupor and get on that bus Number 40 to vote Charles Henri Baker.

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No hypocrisy here: If the Haitian masses will not...


eske mass la pral vote baker

my friends call me crazy they told me that mass la pap vote baker cause he was against aristide what do u think

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