I am a student at Unversity of Florida in United States, this...
i am a student at Unversity of Florida in United States, this comment is the best and i don't considerate it as a comment because all the keys to the developement of Haiti is in there Michell Martelly as the only person that's talking about the agriculture and how the taxes not taking affect the country is the perfect leader for the job our politician mostly count books they re just looking at the intelectual side not to build school but to force know that if you is not educated and have a low french speaking level you can't be a part of our systemy thruthfully they help the country more than the others because all the taxi drivers, constructors,shoes waxers, bouretiersthey are making a lot more than the teachsers, secretaries,nurses, accountant because our system is to go school be educated and come sit down there is not a place for them to go further all they will do after their education is play dominooes cards, soccer because they won't see themselves as those minorities haitians wake up because our contry is up side down