I would like to know what is baker plan for the Insecurity in...
I would like to know what is baker plan for the Insecurity in the country security remain the biggest priority if he plan to established the armed force we had not like before more proffessional he could used the diaspora in those field we need security he could have an army of 20.000 thounsand 10 thounsand from the diaspora he could have security in the country within 90 day because a lot of diaspora wanted to come back home can you make this possible.
I am very dissapointed with the preval administration onced he elected he has promised to established a gendammerie national force to deal with the insecurity in the country up to now nothing has been done because of lack of fund. seconde question we need more job creation for the country.
third question haitian overseas should have the right as haitian back home this is discrimination I hope you change that constitution that dont mean nothing to us that has to change.
fourth more haitian overseas need to participate in haiti political affaire haitian overseas are the backbone of haiti economy we need to realised that importance is very important for haitian overseas to participate in their country political affaired.
fifth what he plan to do about agricultural production in the country la production national for haiti to produced more food than ever an export sixth what he plan to do about the dominican and haiti affaired the mistreatment of haitian in the dominican republic and the dominican treat to haiti sovereinty the already treating in the pass to invade us we need to protect our border, border security or national guard troop.
seven what he plan to do about decentrallization haiti has about nine or 10 department each department need to have their own governor appointed by the president for the five years that will help the country more to devellop everything do not have to depended on port-au -prince that the problem we have everything is been contrentrate on the capital after the earthquake I think we should built a next capital or plateau central hinche port-au- prince should be replace as commmercial capital of haiti.
eight we need to change our country image .we rather replaced our country current name we was called Republique saint dominge than rather been called haiti an Indian name because we are not Indian we are african by birth not Indian the new Republique well be called la nouveau Republique saint dominge we need to replaced our current flag with black red and green like the first french flag we had if we wantto do something good for ancestor our ancestor deserved much more the flag we had now it had destroy our pride we have nothing good about this flag after more than 200 year of Indenpandance we have lost our pride and conffidenced in the flag the flag say one thing why we do the other .le parti partriotisme haitien renplace par mirlande manigat C est tre bien pour renplace notre drappau bicolore vou etre aboli notre drapeau bicolore pour la premiere fois deppu la chute du president petion et du salnave.
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