HE IS EXACTLY WHAT HAITI DOES NOT NEED. A rich mulatto man who...
HE IS EXACTLY WHAT HAITI DOES NOT NEED. A rich mulatto man who has thrived and been very successful in his own beautiful, organized and well run world right in the middle of Haiti.
People like him were born with an international passport in their mouth.
They had the access of a great education, because they grew up under the wings of the Elite class of Haiti, who have separated themselves from the rest of the Haitian population.
They live right there in the middle of the high mountains fully secured by high security guards fully loaded with guns. They have their own WELFARE AND TAXES SYSTEM to prevent bleeding on their economy.
I can guarantee you that 90% of the population has never heard from him before nor do not know who he is until he ran as a candidate last time.
People like that are just seeking power for the satisfaction of their own ego.
Yes he is a great man alright.
A great man to his own CIRCLES.
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Shut the hell up. Beside Wyclef name one candidate...
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