Paul despite what you have said, Preval is not the problem...
Paul despite what you have said, Preval is not the problem.
Most people around him are the problem.
They are unable to NEGOCIATE ANY THING for Haiti.
They have big tongue and very small mind. Well, corruption is the biggest challenge in Haiti.
Everyone knows about it, but they let them do. That's why Haiti is in that limbo.
The day that everyone in government will respect the constitution laws, at that time only, we will have a change in the country where black, mulatre and write will be together to rebuilt the country.
The country is for all of us not for one category, do not forget that. We do not have to shovel one for another one. We are in together and together we have to do everything in our power to rebuilt what we have lost.
Corruption in Hati has a face, President Rene Preval
Corruption in Ha