Bush and Clinton Going To Haiti Together on Monday
Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton will visit Haiti together on Monday.
This will be their first joint visit to Haiti.
Come to think of it, did Georges W. Bush Every visit Haiti as president of the United States?
Presidents Clinton and Bush will meet with Haitians, the government of Haiti and others providing assistance to earthquake survivors The goal of the... more »
The answer is NO. Both Senior and Junior never hide the way they feel about the Haitian people, as amatter of fact I don't remember much thing they... more »
That is a good Nerws TWO formers presidenty of the USA going to Haity together is good news that would be something Importantg they have in mind of... more »
Amazing, i hope they come up with something positive for the country and the nation more »
We are a nation of welcoming, there is always room for first time. Before, people used to go there with malice but now it is different. Welcome... more »
it took that long for georges w bush to realized that haiti is right at his back yard we have been neglect by the american's politician that haiti... more »
Guess what! I am right now in Haiti helping with the relief work. It' s unbelievable what the earthquake has done to Haiti. The reality is much... more »