Is Preval A Good Man for Election?
I am deeply regretted to vote for Mr. Preval in the 2005 presidential election because I did not see anybody else to lead the country better at that time. Unfortunately, I made the biggest mistake of my life to give my vote to Preval.
I though he was under the Aristide's influence in his first term, and that was the reason he could not do any better.
Now, he shows to everybody that he is a "con".
Preval had organized four (4) elections and none of them was good. The first bad election that he organized was the one to reniew the senate in 1998 if I well remember.
The second bad one was the one that gave all the seats in the paliament to " Fammi Lavalas".
That 'mascarade' was contested by all political parties in Haiti.
Even all the diplomatic missions in Haiti were feelling ashame for Preval at that time.
The third one was the presidential election to elect Aristide for a second term. Even Aristide was the most popular candidate at that time, and no one could beat him, that did not prevent Preval from making fraud in that election.
Finally, the last ' mascarade' is the recent one to reniew the 1/3 of the senate.
According to Preval' story in his presidency, I don't think he has credit to organize good election in Haiti because he beleives more in corruption and "magoulles" instead of making good decision that can be good for the Haitian people.
In conclusion, Preval is a corrupted man like his predecessors and nobody can trust him.