Haiti - The 15 MISTAKES of President Joclerme Privert, Moise Jean Charles Spills the Beans...
Haiti President Privert - Candidate Moise Jean Charles
KREYOL: Haiti - 15 faux pas de Jocelerme Privert, Moise Jean Charles bay list 15 kote Privert Echouer... Moise se sel commission verification an ak installation nouvo KEP a ke Privert fè bien, apre sa, se Faute sou Faute... Kisa ou panse de sa???
According to Moise Jean Charles, the only two things president privert did right were a) the creation of the independent eleciton verification commission and b) the creation of the Electoral Council (CEP).
President Privert's mistakes include the transfer of $200 million gourdes to "aroze" (shower) the deputes and senators of the republic and the fact that Privert only share his goverment with 3 political parties: PHTK, LAVALAS, and VERITE.
Former senator Moise also mentioned the runaround between president pivert and parliament as a big mistake and the fact that Privert has done nothing to eliminate the Martelly imposed $1.50 being collected on all incoming money transfers to Haiti.
The senator also included in the list of Privert mistakes the fact that no commission has been created to audit the Martelly administration.
What do you think about that?
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All Comments (2)
Do not eliminate the $1.50 collected on all money transfers to Haiti.
This money is to create more money transfers offices in every town of Haiti in every department so the people in the provinces do not have to go to Port au Prince to claim their money.
Every town needs a money transfer office, cell phones store, post office.
Pi gwò érè prézidan Privert té fè:
Sé poul té tout mété Moise Jean Charles prézidan avi épi Marise Narcisse, André Michel, Jean Bertrand Aristid, pè éternèl etc...
tap prémyé minis, épi Joslerm Privert tap yon konséyé tankou Jacques Gracia; épi yo tap rasanblé ak séktè lougawou, séktè bizango, séktè sanpwèl, séktè masonlòj, séktè légliz katolik, legliz Shalòm ak tout lòt légliz rat pa kaka yo, séktè vodou, séktè ougan oswa bòkò, séktè manbo etc. si yo té rasanblé pou yo té ranplasé chèf lougawou ké dyab la té koupé la yo tap gen yon gwo ékip rat pa kaka pou fini manjé ti rès pèp Ayisyen rébèl ki an Ayiti é ki pa vlé répanti yo, konsa tout pwoblèm Ayiti yo tap gentan ranjé dépi lè Michel Martelly té fini rémèt pouvwa a. Konsa yo tap manjé Michel Martelly ak tout madanm ni, Olivier Martelly, Laurent Lamothe ak tout PHTK si yo kapab.
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