Haiti Transitional Government
All news about Haiti Transitional Government, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Haiti Transitional Government
Haiti - Aristide to REPLACE Michel Martelly as President for 2 years, LAVALAS is Suggesting it
Haiti - LAVALAS says: "Aristide for 2 years after Martelly..." My fellow Haitians, This may sound like a JOKE but it's not... LAVALAS is creating a buzz in the streetsThursday suggesting that ex-president Jean Bertrand Aristide REPLACE Michel Martelly as a President Provisoire... more »February 4, 2016 6:36 PM
Haiti Politics - Moise Jean Charles' REAL Pitit Desalin Plan Will Launch Once Martelly Leaves Office...
Haiti Transition -- Senator/Candidate Moise Jean Charles has an ULTIMATE plan he says will be put into execution once President Michel Martelly leaves office... "Ultimately, we want Martelly to leave office," Moise says, "Once this is done, we will deploy the REAL Pitit Desalin plan all across the country." Huhhh... I wonder what this plan is... more »February 3, 2016 4:34 PM
Haiti Opposition REJECTS Martelly's Plan for a Government to Replace him after 07 Fevrier
Haiti Transition 2016 Update --- Opposition leaders are opposed to a plan by President Michel Martelly and Haitian lawmakers to establish a new Prime-Minister-only government to replace him after he leaves 07 Fevrier, Sunday... According to some opposition leaders, any plan that does not include the opposition is NO plan at all... more »February 2, 2016 8:13 PM
FLASH: Haiti - Evans Paul Submits his Resignation to President Martelly
Breaking News: Haiti Transition 2016 - News spread on social media last night that Haitian Prime Minister submitted his resignation to president Michel Martelly to make room for another prime minister to take over after 07 Fevrier when Matelly leaves office... more »February 2, 2016 6:14 AM
Haiti Transition - Andre Michel says All Hell Will Break Loose After 07 Fevrier IF...
Haiti Transition 2016 Update - Opposition leader Andre Michel says it is impossible for a transitional government to be installed after Martelly without the main actors in the opposition who fought in the streets to have a say in it otherwise all hell will break loose starting February 08... more »February 1, 2016 2:14 PM
Haiti Transition - PM Evans Paul was supposed to Resign Saturday 30 Jan
Haiti Transition 2016 Update -- According what is being discussed between President Michel Martelly and the presidents of the two branches of Parliament, Jocelerme Privert and Cholzer Chancy , Prime Minister Evans Paul was supposed to resign on Saturday 30 January 2016... more »January 31, 2016 7:33 AM
Haiti Politics - Senator Delacruz NOT Happy Martelly Wants to Stay in Power past 07 Fevrier
Haiti Politics Update -- Senator Francisco de la Cruz is not very happy to hear that President Michel Martelly intends to stay in power after 07 Fevrier when his term expires... more »January 29, 2016 5:28 AM
Haiti - Beware Another Gerard LaTortue Transition, professor Josue Merilien says...
Haiti Transition 2016 -- Professor Josue Merilien of Union National des Normaliens Haitiens (UNNOH) wants a transition in after Martelly BUT NOT a Gerard LaTortue type Transition he says. Merilien does not want the "BLAN" to dictate how the transition will take place... more »January 26, 2016 9:32 AM
Haiti - Senior US Official Fears the Worse in a Government of Transition after Martelly
Former US Ambassador to Haiti Kenneth Merten says it is very likely that a transitional government take over Haiti after Martelly... "Realistically speaking," Merten told Reuters, "We may be looking at some sort of temporary solution until there is a handover to a new elected president." more »January 26, 2016 7:51 AM
Haiti - A Government of Transition, Some people are getting ready!
It was reported over the weekend on Haitian Radio that talks of a government of transition have begun behind the scenes in the Haitian political hallways... Former US Ambassador Kenneth Merten's name was mentioned... more »September 28, 2015 7:23 AM