Haiti Presidential Candidates 2015
All news about Haiti Presidential Candidates 2015, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Haiti Presidential Candidates 2015
Haiti Elections - Presidential Candidate Charles-Henri Baker Admits DEFEAT...
Haiti Elections Update -- Candidate for president Charles-Henri 'Charlito' Baker has finally admitted defeat in the 2015 elections... "I tried 3 times for President and I lost, this a sign that the people do not trust me to manage the affairs of the Republic," Baker said. more »November 4, 2015 8:43 AM
Haiti Elections: Candidate Eric Jn Baptiste tells Government to use his Campaign Money towards Education instead
Haiti Elections Update -- Candidate for President Eric Jn Baptiste (Pere Eternel Loto) tells the Haitian government to use his campaign financing money towards Education instead... Give it to the school children, he said in a letter addressed to the Ministry of Finance... more »September 27, 2015 2:45 PM
Haiti Elections - LAVALAS ap fe Manifestation oswa Campagne Electoral?
Haitien an nou pale... Eske Fanmi LAVALAS ap fè Manifestation kont elections ou byen èske se yon still de Campagne Electoral Lavalas ap fè nan lari a??? Poster Candidat a la Presidence Maryse Narcisse gaye andedan manifestation yo... more »September 26, 2015 8:24 AM
Haiti Elections - Candidate for President Willy Duchene KICKED OUT of the Elections, CEP said he is a US Citizen...
Haiti Elections Update -- Another Presidential candidate bites the dust in Haiit... Willy Duchene has just been kicked out of the list of Candidates for President because, the Electoral Council (CEP) said, Mr. Duchene is a Naturalized American Citizen... more »July 23, 2015 6:32 AM
Haiti Elections - Andre Michel di le li President Haiti, ap gen 2 Secretaire d'Etat Selman
Haiti Elections Update -- Tande sa, Candidat Andre Michel di lè li President d'Haiti, ap gen 2 Secretaire d'Etat Selman, Secretaire D'etat Handicapés, Secrétaire d'Etat à la Sécurité Publique... more »July 18, 2015 1:05 PM
Haiti Elections - Candidate Level Francois KICKED out Presidential Race due to Crack Cocaine Conviction in USA
Haiti Elections Update - Citizen Level Francois has been KICKED out as a candidate for president of Haiti for having been convicted of possession and trafficking of crack and cocaine in the United States of America, the Electoral Council (CEP) reported in a Communiqué de Presse Friday... more »June 22, 2015 6:38 AM
Haiti Elections - Candidate for President Joseph Roussel Bissereth is really a Candidate for Mayor
Haiti Elections Update --- If you Google the name Bissereth Joseph Roussel aka Pachou Publicite, you will find many search results with his name as a candidate for President of Haiti... Pachou Publicite says he is NOT a candidate for president, so how did his name end up in the Presidential candidate list... more »June 10, 2015 6:10 AM
Haiti Elections 2015 - Liste des Candidats a la Presidence
Mezanmi men list la... 71 Candidats a La Presidence pou Haiti Elections 2015 la... Tout moun ap di 70, se 71 li ye... Men list la, Non, Sexe, Date de Naissance, ak Parti Politique... more »May 21, 2015 12:24 PM
Haiti Elections - Mario Andresol Officially Registers as Candidate for President
Haiti Elections Update - Former Haiti police chief Mario Andresol has officially registered with the Electoral Council (CEP) as a candidate for President of the Republic... Mario Andresol submited his paperwork earlier this morning, Tuesday... more »May 19, 2015 3:53 PM
FLASH: Haiti - Steven Benoit Candidat a La Presidence!
Breaking News... Haiti Elections - Senator Steven Benoit is an official candidate for President of the Republic... Steven Benoit has just submitted his documents to the CEP as the Presidential Candidate for Political platform CONVICTION... more »May 14, 2015 2:24 PM