A Haitian president can make 50 million dollars "easily" his first year in office, journalist said
Haitian journalist Guerrier Henry talks about the amount of money a Haitian president can make "easily" their first year in office, it's shocking... 50 million dollars, he said, and I don't think he is talking about Haitian dollars.
Is that a fact or do you think Guerrier Henry is speculating, talking crap?
In his weekly program Boukante Lapawol, Henry said:
"Let me tell you when someone becomes president of the republic, his first year in office, he can make $50,000,000 dollars easily."
"You didn't know that?"
Guerrier Henry di: "Le w tande neg la di w president an mineur, se prezidan ki gen malet la nan men l wi!"
According to the journlist, the only dummy who assumed the presidency was Boniface Alexandre.
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