Desras calls Senate President Andris Riche a DEMAGOG who is receiving orders from Palais National
Haiti Senateur Andris Riche
KREYOL: Haiti Politik - Desras Simon Dieuseul di Senatè Andris Riche se yon DEMAGOG ki ap tann lòd nan men Palais National...
Desras said in Haitian Creole: "Fo w konprann Senatè a pa met tet li... Fok Palais National rele l pou di l kisa pou l di, lisa pou li fè"
Translation: You have to understand, Senator Riche is not operating on his own free will... He is working under direct orders from the National Palace.
Desras is also upset that Andris Riche did not exactly accept him back as Senator...
"Andris Riche said he would receive me with open arms as soon at the justice system decides on the case," Simon Dieuseul Desras said, "But in the senator's mind, the justice system would never make a decision because they control the justice system."
They were surprised the justice system decided, Desras said.
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All Comments (4)
Gen yon seri de karikati mw pat janm panse ou te ka jwenn an Ayiti.
Yon fenomen tanko Desra se ki sak pwodui li?
Nan ki laboratwa yon espwi sadik, malad, te arive pwodui jan de deblozay sa?
É byen afè pouvwa léta sé yon malpròpté sélon jan Simon Dieuseul Desras ap palé la a, yon Sénatè ak yon Prézidan sak pi gran chèf?
Si Sénatè yo pa pran lòd nan men pi gran chèf li nan Palais National konbyen Prézidan ak gran chèf ki genyen?
É byen sé sak fè Moise Jean Charles tap toumanté Prézidan Martélly konsa a, sé sak fè Haiti tap maché tèt anba
Allo desra ou pat jam fe yon bon travay nan chamb nan pou ta merite yon dexiem chans, mwen regret sa pou ou monche ou finn fe kont chaj ou mare paket
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