Moise Jean Charles: Ceant called me after he was chosen as Prime Minister, BAD news...
"When they chose Jean Henry Ceant to become the next prime minister of Haiti, he called me," Haitian opposition leader Moise Jean Charles said, "I told him that was BAD news."
Moise Jean Charles - Haiti Opposition Leader
Moise Jean Charles told Henry Ceant "do you see how relaxed you are right now. It won't be so once you become prime minister and the next series of street protests are launched."
During a TV interview Tele Pluriel with journalist and host Marie Lucie Bonhomme, the opposition leader also confirmed Prime Minister called him when he was putting together his cabinet and he agreed to be a part of the government ONLY if President Jovenel Moise was not a part of it.
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All Comments (1)
Haiti Nouvelles says...
Moise Jean Charles di Henry Ceant te rele l apre "YO" te finn chwazi l kom premye Minis.
"Move nouvèl," se sa Moise te repon Ceant.
Li di Ceant ou wè jan w poze?
tet ou pwal cho
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