Haiti: First lady Martine Moise denies allegations she met with bandits in La Saline (VIDEO)
First lady of Haiti Martine Moise made it clear that she was not in La Saline, a run-down neighborhood in Port-au-Prince meeting with bandits prior to an attack on many residents of the area. Watch the VIDEO...
"I wasn't even in Haiti," the first lady said. Listen...
Watch the full video of the interview of the first lady on Tele Metropole at jovenelhaiti.com
Haitian first lady Martine Moise's name came out in a report by Human rights group RNDDH linking her to what they call a massacre in Cite Soley, saying she had a meeting with a known bandit in the area named Bout Jeanjean.
The first Lady admited in an interview on Tele Metropole that the las time she went to La Saline was on October 13 2017, more than a year ago.
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