Haiti Under Martelly - The Risk of Ungovernability is High, Find Out Why
"Michel Martelly's task will be especially difficult since he will have to get support from a Parliament that is chiefly loyal to Preval..."
"...The risk of ungovernability is high, so Martelly will have to strike deals, forge alliances and produce results..."
This is the question asked in the article "Haiti needs command performance from 'Sweet Micky' " By Joseph Guyler Delva and Pascal Fletche
"The negotiation may have to start immediately, over the choice of prime minister to lead the government," the article says.
How do you think this prime minister negotiation will go?
Keep in mind, Michel Martelly is the scar in the face of Rene Preval's INITE party...
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All Comments (20)
YOU what can you do?
yes we shall over come, and the dream will come true, yes we can BRAVO TO THAT GENERATION you bring me hope you the 50th and less bravo, my children i am getting tired as a manman, i need all my sons ans daugthers, all of you go help your big brother Michel there is a time to be an artist and a time to act PRESIDENT OF HAITI, ANAVAN TI COK MANMAN'W BOUKE.
Haiti does not need another spineless democratic leader.
Haiti needs a fair but no nonesence type of leader, which this president seems to
The man is a shrewd business man, so hopefully he can get people to do what he wants, through negotiations, blackmail, economic threaths, social penalties; whatever it
I do not know how much he knows to lead any type of negociations.
He willbe nervous all the time. As an outsider not knowing much about politics and diplomacy he will necessarily rely on staff to do the job.He will have to listen if he does not want to end up like Aristide.
It is very important for him to attact the problems we have in all the corrupted institutions in Haiti.
Foreigners in Haiti land, foreign policies issues toward Haiti- Part of Haiti worst problem at all time and at all level, but no DIASPORA like to address or feel comfortable to talk the true.
Although Haiti has a new president, but I doubt that any of the 19 ALL-DIASPORA candidates in the last Haiti election feel comfortable to talk on this subject, except when they have to say the good things about the foreign people work, whereas, it is the true they must come publicly and stating and that's when Haiti will start moving to a better direction.
President-elect Martelly, whether consciously or not, has spent his entire life in preparation for the position of President of Haiti.
He has some innate qualities which, despite of his not having been in the political arena, will be strong assets he will bring to his new position as Haiti's head of state.
Traditionally, a new Haitian President becomes a target from the so-called opposition the very day he/she takes office.
I think president Martelly should in the interest of unification of the country reach out to Mirlande Manigat and pick her
as his prime minister but choose his owne
ministers to direct haiti, then attempt
I think that all the political leaders of Haiti learned a lesson from the people of Haiti, not just Martelly.
The people send them a clear message: the old politics are outdated, bring something fresh to the table.
Quite frankly, I still believe the risks are high with Martelly being the president of Haiti.
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