Haiti Elections - President Aristide di Pep la VOTE Maryse Narcisse

Haiti... President Jean Bertrand Aristide di kanpe devan lakay li nan Tabarre, li leve men Marise Narcisse anlè, epi mande Pep la VOTE Maryse Narcise kom prochen president peyi a...
Kisa ou panse de sa???
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FLASH: Haiti Elections - LAVALAS presidential candidate Maryse Narcisse announced on Facebook she is READY to confirm her participation in the October elections...
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Haiti Elections Update -- Fanmi LAVALAS maintain the call for "Mobilization" until "the vote of the people is respected..." Lavalas who believes their candidate Maryse Narcise won the presidential elections has announced more street protest in Haiti starting this Thursday 03 December 2015...
Read: Haiti Elections - LAVALAS Announces More Street Protest Starting Thurdsay
Haiti Elections Update: Candidate President Maryse Nacisse Contestation Hearing at the Bureau du contentieux électoral départemental (BCED) has been scheduled for 10am Tuesday, attorney Gervais Charles said...
Read: Haiti Elections - Maryse Narcisse BCED Contestation Hearing Begins 10am Tuesday
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