Aristide, take a walk and do not look back because what you preach is not Catholic!

Maggy Gousse - December 17 2013, 11:32 PM

Simply saying, turning Haitians against Haitians will not do it!

It's on the Haitian flag that we cherish so much even as a born out of Country Diaspora! L"Union Fait La force"

Trying to make Haitians (du peuple) envy other fellow Haitians, seed jealousy and hatred amongst people will not do it, Aristide!

I say, take a walk and do not look back because what you preach is not Catholic and actually, it's not any religion unless you are working on creating one.

I do wish he can read this because Haitians, needs to unite and not disunite which is Aristide's biggest goal! His wife and his person needs to go hide under a rock!

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