Freedom of speech,democracy must be one way street to protect the powerful

Agent-x - May 22 2012, 7:16 AM

According to Africa-com dated 22 May 2012 article by Panganai Kahuni, Zimbabwe: Are Democracy, Freedom of Speech Real Reasons Behind the Noise?


In the 1890s, the United States implemented the Monroe Doctrine, pushing out European powers and establishing US hegemony over resources and labour in Latin American Nations.

Dictators that ruled Guatemala during the 19th and early 20th centuries were generally regarded as accommodating to US business and political interests.

Thus, unlike in other Latin American nations such as Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba, the US did not have to use overt military force to maintain dominance like it did in Guatemala.

In fact, the military and police in Guatemala, during the same period, worked closely with the US government and state departments to secure US interests.

Several US corporations were exempted from taxes.

Some parastatals were privatised, some were even sold for a song and large swaths of public land were given away to US corporations by the Guatemala government.

Is this the kind of a job creating economy the MDC-T is clamouring for?

In 1930, an American backed dictator, General Jorge Ubico, came to power riding on American support.

He created a large number of information networks and tortured political opponents to death.

He became a wealthy aristocrat, earning an estimated US$215 000 per year. America's resonation with the Guatemala ruler's character and dictatorial practices can easily be likened to that of Africa's worst dictators, namely Generals Mobutu Sese Seko and Idi Amin.

While Ubico passed laws that allowed American landowners to kill workers as a disciplinary measure, Mobutu siphoned Zaire's (now DRC) economic resources to France.

A synonymous phenomenon of Ubico and Mobutu was that both sided with landowners and urban elites, to oppress the peasants and workers in Guatemala and Zaire respectively.

Another synonymous activity was that both were trained and viewed as democrats by America.

Is this not what the Copac Draft Constitution will lead Zimbabwe to?

This writer picked on the two countries that were ruined by American-backed dictators so as to give credence to the critique on the Copac draft constitution, which in many respects appears to advance Western interests.

Once the West succeeds in getting a puppet into office the Bretton Woods institutions are used to prescribe economic scenarios that allow the looting of resources by the Anglo-Saxons as was the case in Zaire and Guatemala.

It is not surprising why some puppets continue to prescribe that which failed when ESAP was adopted.

It boggles the mind why the MDCs always plan to create jobs, instead of creating industries that result in creating indigenous employers and employees.

My understanding of America's democracy and freedom of speech is that it must always be in support of American interests.

The atrocities that have happened in East Timor, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, Zaire, Uganda and Philippines speak volumes of how America views democracy and freedom of speech in relation to its national interests.

It is a fact that people in Zaire were made poorer and poorer.

Infrastructure was destroyed and Zairian cultures violated, as American interests were protected.

Security Sector Reform that should have occurred in Guatemala and Zaire was seen not to be necessary in Guatemala, Indonesia, Nicaragua and DRC, just to mention a few. The reforms were not necessary because the American government and the "CIA" controlled all the security institutions of these American dominated countries.

Since SSR take place only after a conflict as defined by the UN, the call for SSR in Zimbabwe becomes a nullity as the country is peaceful and has a tranquil environment.

The call for SSR is a clear demonstration of hypocrisy by the Anglo-Saxons and the naivety of the MDC formations.

The Anglo-Saxons would want to employ this Eurocentric concept as a tool for neo-colonisation.

The fact that the call only gets America and Britain's attention in situations where countries are fighting to own their resources also demonstrates that most opposition parties in Africa are stooges of the West. This is why the West invited Hon Biti to Washington DC where he wantonly and brazenly attacked Africa and its institutions, much to the delight of the Anglo-Saxons.

During the Atlantic Council of the USA session address by Hon Biti in America, the minister dishonourably demonstrated his hate of Africa.

Instead of demanding the lifting of sanctions he went on a rampage demonising the whole of Africa.

Indeed, he became a usable tool as he glorified the late American President Jefferson and the American people throughout his atrocious address.

The talk about the "way of getting Zimbabwe on track" was ignorantly delivered.

The Minister poured scorn on Africa and praised the Americans for inscribing rights in their constitution.

Is this not exactly what the Copac co-chairs are doing to the Draft Constitution?

Sadly, the Minister was praising the nation of terror, or is it a nation causing horror in international state relationships?

It is sad to note that the address was given at a time when some Americans are confessing on the Internet and in literature books about their barbaric way of dominating others.

Biti took this opportunity to violently attack African leadership for poor governance.

However, he feared to tell the Americans about their bullish and uncivilised character of dominating small nations.

The honourable Minister got extremely excited and perhaps overwhelmed by the multitudes of white Americans who falsely cheered him.

The applause from the Americans was read by Biti as a demonstration for liking him and the MDC formations.

It is far from that, as the Americans were only impressed by Biti's wanton willingness to stand selling out his motherland.

The Americans were extremely exhilarated by the Minister's address that was aimed at enhancing America's resource base. Biti failed to find anyone of good leadership in Africa -- even from those of our Pan

Africanists -- the likes of Lumumba, Nkrumah, Chitepo and JZ Moyo, just to mention a few.

For our youths, instead of going on Facebook with Charles Ray, go it alone on the internet and search for yourselves about America's involvement in Latin America, DRC, Libya, Ivory Coast, Bahrain and Syria.

As youths you just need to go either on Wikiquote, Google and type in the "evil of American Democracy" or the evil involvement of US America in Latin America.

To quote Guvamombe's words "Copac is feeding on our humanism, feasting on our dignity, defecating on the graves of our ancestors, fouling our history, shattering our hopes and destroying our future".

That is exactly what the MDC-T secretary-general did in America in regard to our politics, national interests and sovereignty.

His President has also left for America to pour scorn on Zimbabwe.

One wonders what kind of politicians are they who want people to suffer first in order for them to win a vote. Is this what they call democracy and good governance?

It is neither privatisation nor job creation that will make our economy grow. It is the ownership of our resources and growing the economy accountably and transparently that our economy will grow.

We must get out of fear of eradicating corruption.

Let us all agree to disagree with poverty, sanctions, job creation, liberalism and the cancerous diseases of corruption.

Remember from the slave trade, the West has been united on plundering Africa's resources.

They are together on their imperialistic ideology from Europe to America.

So let us defend our resources from these economic hitmen who are confessing in the book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman".

I urge our youth to read this book; it's on the internet.

Thus, this writer strongly feels that the noise the West and MDC formations are making is not about democracy, freedom of speech and rights but aimed at enhancing the West's plunder of our natural resources and regime change.

Zimbabwe needs courageous, creative, innovative and patriotic people in order to own its resources and grow its economy.

Dada nechako!

Panganai Kahuni is a Political Socio-Economic Commentator.

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Agent-x says...

Correction: This article should have been allafrica-com instead of Africa-com. Sorry for the inconvenience. more »