Alexandre do not utter words and concepts that you don't...

Emmanuel Argan - March 27 2012, 4:55 PM

Alexandre do not utter words and concepts that you don't understand.

Where is the logic and rationality in Guy Philippe after he let the US gaming him as they did to other empty head and opportunists like him, 1/4plume or kaplume, Bellerive,Stanley Lucas, etc in Afghanistan, Colombia,Congo, Egypt,Iraq, Libya, Mexico, Pakistan,Senegal, Somali,Sudan, Syria,Tibet, Tunisia,Yemen etc.
Those opportunists will sell their mothers for light skin second or 15,000 hands women and want to be seen with them to improve their images.

They will sell their mammies for expensive suits, expensive cars, expensive houses and for cash in their pockets.

They are the real prostitutes.

Check them out on the websites whenever they posted their pictures and see who they want to be seen with them.

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Emmanuel Argan Says... If this is true, then that...


Twenty US special operation forces arrived on 03-27-2012 in Pestel, Haiti

Twenty US special operation forces arrived on 03-27-2012 early in the morning in the pursuit of Guy Philippe. This...

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Emmanuel Argan,sorry my mistake. I did not understand...

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