Agent-x, are you confuse with these guys? You don't even know...

Jean Pierre Alexandre - March 24 2012, 7:19 PM

Agent-x, are you confuse with these guys?

You don't even know how to remove cockroaches in your Apt in Chicago, so shut your C U N T.
Don't make me pull your C L I T with a vise-grip.

Don't think you will like the way i do it.
The Munistah cannot protect you guys when hell get loose.

We have patience, lots of them i mean, Munistah cannot stay forever in Haiti.

We sleep for 27 years in hibernation, we want to eliminate that word Lavalas and that name Aristide.

Just remember that.

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I will call Thierry Mayas Paul this weekend and will...


Operation zero tolerance for extortionist

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Jean Pierre Alexandre this is how confuse you are...

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