The article below was written by an agent provocateur and has...

Agent-x - September 20 2011, 6:54 AM

The article below was written by an agent provocateur and has nothing to do with Agent-X. Anyone who is familiar with the blogers of Bel politik and Martelly blog will quickly be able to spot the modus operandi of this usual suspect and serial imposter.

The tonton macoutes may sell their tools but not their skills and professions.

They same way the macoutes used to kill people in Haiti by outright right lies, deceptions,fabricating stories against their opponents and other vicious means to arrest and kill them is illustrated in the following forgery:
[ "Kill All The Tonton Machouts or Haiti Will Suffer Earthquake.

Agent-x Says...Agent-x is a gift to the Haitians who are called to watch prophesy reveal itself through my words.

Agent-x does not answer stupid questions, but tells the truth.

The truth is that all the tonton macouts need the same justice they gave to half a million haitians and worst.

Get rid of all the macouts nou or be doomed by another earthquake.You have been warned by Agent-x.
Posted 9/20/11 6:20 AM."]


Kill All The Tonton Machouts or Haiti Will Suffer Earthquake

Agent-x is a gift to the Haitians who are called to watch prophesy reveal itself through my words. Agent-x does not...

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