Aristide was elected by the majority of Haitians. Check the...

Agent-x - September 7 2011, 10:56 PM

Aristide was elected by the majority of Haitians.

Check the statistics.

People like Francois Duvalier, had far less vote than Aristide; people like Michel Martelly had far less vote than Aristide.

This is an historical fact. Thus, Aristide belongs to Haiti and Haiti belongs to Haiti.

The Duvalier regime massacred over 100,000 Haitians for the pleasure of the Americans ideological comfort while they were labeled as communism, pro Castroist.

And guess who are keeping Haitians away from extinction in the country side now?

The Castro regime is.
The US medical community has no time to deal with poor people and when they do show their face in Haiti it is for cheap propaganda they broadcast worldwide in every media stating our military hospital ships are in the coast of haiti providing medical help [that turn out to be for the well-connected( shii, shii, it is a well-kept secret)]and for covert sterilization of the poor Haitians.

Those that are against Aristide are tiouls # 2 of the Americans because someone else has the dubious distinction to hold the title of tioul # 1 already.

Those that hate Aristide also hate themselves and Haiti.

Vive Haiti, vive Haiti, abas les traitres, abas les mercenaires

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Aristide should leave the country with the Minustash...



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