Jean Your answer is not relevant to the Uruguayan assault on a...

Alister Wm Macintyre - September 6 2011, 12:50 PM


Your answer is not relevant to the Uruguayan assault on a Haitian teenager, however it deserves a reply.

I access what is available in my country at reasonable cost.
I view many different info sources because I believe they ALL have some kind of agenda driven by their financial sources, biases, and constraints imposed by host nations.

My views evolve as I gain more info from alternative sources.

Al Jaz is censored in USA, but I can read their articles on-line.

I like CNN although I know it is left wing.
I occasionally watch FOX although I hate their right wing rhetoric
I also watch MSNBC and CNBC but recognize most all economic advice is driven by rich people who want poorer people to lose more money into rich people schemes
I have ABC and CBS but they don't have an all news channel available to me
My favorite is C-Span - I now have 1 2 3
C-Span includes exactly what is happening, unfiltered by bias, although I know full well the people we seeing are as biased as the talking heads of the news.
I also see BBC (via C-Span) UK question-time

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Alister,only ignorant people listen or even pays...

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The new world order controlled by the same blood line...

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