Aristide an Haitian president shouldn't be in such situation...

Aukens Picard - June 10 2011, 3:34 PM

Aristide an Haitian president shouldn't be in such situation to beg nobody to enter back in his country after he was kidnapped in February 2004. Edmond Mulet was in Haiti for a while and he used to pass order to the Haitian president and his staff when ever he feels like, this is insane.

Is Haiti a sovereign country?

William Jefferson Clinton the former US president has more power than the actual guy who was elected recently in Haiti.

Clinton does what ever he wants in Haiti and he's not Haitian but American.

I believe Haiti is the first black republic in the entire world...Than what's going on??Why do they disrecpected Haitian president that much???Come on people wake up and think.

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