Get your facts together. manigat won only the nord-ouest and...

Brent - March 29 2011, 6:50 PM

get your facts together.

manigat won only the nord-ouest and grand-anse.

so i am really skeptical as to where you are getting your facts from. also, if mirlande is even close to winning this then she would not be contesting right now. she is formally contesting simply because she knows she has no chance based upon her known numbers.

Remember that mirlande has her observers inside the tabulation.

she is constesting because she knows she is behind.

it is that simple.

so dont give me that she is winning nonsense.

winners are normally joyful, not crying and contesting.


election 2011 mirlande is the winner

une simple statistique suffit d'admettre pour vrai que 'Mirlande aura bel et beau gagner le combat du 20 mars. Apres...

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