Ms. Montas should be investigated without question! During her...

Frank - January 20 2011, 9:30 PM

Ms. Montas should be investigated without
question! During her tenure at the UN she
was a disgrace always creating fights.

Refer to the insight news reporters about
how she has again violated UN rules by
appearing on CNN and filing this lawsuit.

Haiti needs yo outs her at once as a rebel!

Google: For the truth!
In Haitii, as Montas Sues Duvalier While Paid by UN, Stonewall by UN on Whether Lawsuit Vetted Under UN Rules, & by Whom

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, January 20 -- The criminal complaint in Haiti against Baby Doc Duvalier was filed by Michele Montas, who is currently being paid by the UN as a Special Adviser.

Related Article:

Duvalier Is Back In Haiti, Journalist Michele Montas Speaks out

Michele Montas warns the Haitian population about the return of Jean Claude Duvalier in Haiti. Michele Montas is the wife of the late Jean...

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I applaud Michele Montas for the good job she has...

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