Michel Ange Gedeon

All news about Michel Ange Gedeon, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Michel Ange Gedeon


The Haitian Police will provide security at the Senate of the Republic Thursday during Lapin ratification session

There are rumors that bad things will happen this Thursday during the ratification session of Prime Minister Lapin and his government. as a prevention measure, the Senate president has asked the National Police to insure the security of Parliament that day more »

MINUSTAH Leaving Haiti, Police Chief Michel-Ange Gedeon visits Northern Police Unit

Michel-Ange Gedeon - Haiti Police Chief The UN Peacekeeping forces are leaving Northern Haiti for good Thursday June 15. Haiti police chief Michel Ange Gedeon made a quick visit to the city of Cap-Haitien for a tour of the former headquarters of MINUSTAH in Cap-Haitien, now under the control of UDMO, the Departmental Law Enforcement Unit. more »