Haitian Senators

All news about Haitian Senators, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Haitian Senators


Haiti Politics - Senator Joseph Lambert tells Moise Jean Charles: You say Jovenel Must GO, I am NOT for Jovenel leaving

Senateur Joseph Lambert - Moise Jean Charles "I hear you talking about 'Jovenel must GO,' I am against that, Senator Joseph Lambert told former senator Moise Jean Charles, leader of the opposition movement against the Haitian President Jovenel Moise. more »

Haiti Senator Willot Joseph wants autonomy for City Mayors, ASECs and CASECs

Haiti Senateur Willot Joseph Haitian Centre Senator Willot Joseph says he cannot understand why all Senators, Deputes and the President of Haiti are treated like kings while the city mayors, ASECs and CASECs are treated like animals. more »

Haiti Senator Kedlaire Augustin says: Haiti is a difficult country, People stand in your way when you try to do good

Kedlaire Augustin - Senateur Nord-Ouest, Haiti "Haiti is a country very difficult country," Nord-Ouest Senator Kedlaire Augustin said. "Every time you start something, people come up against you, not only to disagree with what you are doing, but they stand in your way so that you do not get the job done. more »

Haiti Politics - Guy Philippe accuses Youri Latortue as the Mastermind behind his arrest

Youri Latortue - Guy Philippe Haitian senator-elect Guy Philippe accuses Senate president Youri Latortue and 4 other Lavalas senators for his arrest and extradition to the United States... more »

Haiti Senator Steven Benoit announced he will NOT run for re-election

Haitian West department Senator Steven Benoit announced he will NOT run for re-election as Senator of the Republic. Steven Benoit wants to take a step back from politics for a while... more »

Haitian Lawmakers convoked into yet another national assembly, Still NO guaranties it will be held

Haiti Senateurs et Deputés en Assemblée Nationale Haitian Senators and Deputes have just received another call to convene in national assembly Thursday, 14 July, to discuss matters overdue in the Republic... So far, they have not yet agreed on the "Feuille de Route," the road map for the meeting... more »

Haiti Politics - Senators and Deputes AGREE to Keep Privert as President

14 Juin 2016 - Eske President Privert dwe RETE oswa ALE? Following a political standoff between pro-Privert Senators and Deputes and the opposition, an agreement has been reached to KEEP Jocelerme Privert as Interim President of Haiti. more »

Haiti National Assembly to be Continued...

Haiti Senateurs et Deputés en Assemblée Nationale It is like a never ending movie at Haiti's parliament building... During the National Assembly Tuesday, Senators and Depute could not even decide on the 'Ordre du Jour'... So, it is to be continued... more »

Haiti National Assembly Scheduled for Tuesday June 27, Another Showdown OR...?

Le Parlement Haitien en Assemble National Haitian senators and deputes have been called once again in to a National Assembly in order to decide on the fate of Interim President Jocelerme Privert whose term is expired... more »

FLASH: Haiti National Assembly Postponed Following Protestors Attack on Parliament Building

Le Parlement Haitien en Assemble National Breaking News... The National Assembly scheduled for today has been postponed due to an incident where pro-Privert street protesters thew rocks at the Parliament building... more »