Governments of Haiti

All news about Governments of Haiti, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Governments of Haiti


Haiti New Government Ministers Installed - Administration Jovenel Moise-Lafontant is in Gear

There were lots of speeches (discours) all over Port-au-Prince Haiti Wednesday, as Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant went around installing his new ministers... Anpil Francais parler... more »

Haiti :: List of Ministers in President Jovenel Moise - Jack Guy Lafontant Administration

Here is the list of all the Ministers of the President Jovenel Moise / Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant Administration: more »

Haiti Transition - New Government Ministers Installed same day as Prime Minister

President Privert at Primeture - PM Enex Installation Haiti Transition Update -- Many new government Ministers, if not all, were installed immediately after the installation of new Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles... more »

Haiti Transition - New Cabinet Chosen for Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles, Here is the List...

Enex Jean Charles Haiti Transition Update -- A new list of ministers has been chosen to make up the cabinet for newly nominated Haitian prime minister of Haiti... We have the the list for you... more »

Haiti Politics - Prime Minister Ratification DELAYED 48 Hours

Fritz Jean, former Prime Minister of Haiti Haiti Transition Update -- The ratification of Prime Minister Fritz Alponse Jean has been DELAYED for 48 Hours over discussions on the number of ministers in his cabinet... more »

FLASH: Haiti - New List of Transition Government Ministers Released

Haiti Primature - Bureau du Premier Ministre Haiti Transition Update -- The list of all the new government Ministres under the Jocelerme Privert / Fritz Jean administration has been released. Here is the list... Take a Look... SCOOP: Senator Desras is in the list too! more »

Haiti - New Government Formed - List of Ministers and Secretaries of State

Haiti President Martelly and Prime Minister Evans Paul Haiti has a brand new Government 48 hours after the installation of Evans Paul as Prime Minister... The new government has 18 Ministers and 16 Secretaries of states... 8 old ministers remain, 9 ole Secretaries of State remain... more »

Haiti - New Interim Prime Minister - Florence Duperval Guillaume

Haiti has a new Interim Prime Minister... Florence Duperval Guillaume was appointed Interim Prime Minister to replace Laurent Lamothe as the head of government... more »

Haiti - List of Potential Prime Ministers to Replace Laurent Lamothe...

Haiti Primature - Bureau du Premier Ministre There are a total of 12 possible candidates to replace Laurent Lamothe as Prime Minister of Haiti... The list contain names that may shock you or WOW you... Let's take a look... more »