Gas Prices in Haiti

All news about Gas Prices in Haiti, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Gas Prices in Haiti


Haiti - Les compagnies petrolieres sont fachees contre le BMPAD

L'Association des professionnels du pétrole (APP) a quelque peu grondé le BMPAD à cause, soutient-elle, d'une acquisition de gasoil « sans appel d'offres ». more »

Haiti - Senator Don KATO Against Privert Decision to Raise Gas Prices

Senateur Antonio 'Don Kato' Cheramy Haitian Senator Antonio 'Don KATO' Cheramy came out against president Jocelerme Privert's government decision to raise gas prices in the country... Senator Kato says: "While I support President Privert, I do not support this decision." more »

Haiti - Senator Moise Jean Charles says Gasoline Prices about to Increase in Haiti

Moise Jean Charles warns about Gas Prices in Haiti Haitian Senator Moise Jean Charles sent a warning to public that the Government of Haiti is about to add 75 Gourdes to every gallon of Gasoline sold in Haiti and 30 Gourdes to every gallon of diesel... more »