Francisco de la Cruz

All news about Francisco de la Cruz, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Francisco de la Cruz


Francisco Delacruz shocked by Evaliere Beauplan's declaration promoting oil dumping as roadblocks in Haiti

Haiti Senateur Francisco de la Cruz Dr Francisco Delacruz, a former senator of the republic, was in shock when he heard Senator Evaliere Beauplan telling the population do dump truckloads rocks, sand and oil into the streets of Haiti to serve as roadblocks for street protests. more »

Haiti Politics - Senator Delacruz NOT Happy Martelly Wants to Stay in Power past 07 Fevrier

Haiti Senateur Francisco de la Cruz Haiti Politics Update -- Senator Francisco de la Cruz is not very happy to hear that President Michel Martelly intends to stay in power after 07 Fevrier when his term expires... more »

Haiti - Senator Francisco Delacruz : Use Laurent Lamothe to set an example to all government officials managing public funds

Haiti Senateur Francisco de la Cruz Haiti Senator Francisco Delacruz wants to use Laurent Lamothe to set an example of corruption in Haiti... "Let this be a lesson," Senator Francisco Delacrus said," to all government officials managing public funds to know they have an obligation NOT to mismanage these funds..." more »

Haiti Elections - Many Candidates Pledge Allegiance to President Martelly, Senator Francisco Delacruz says

Haiti Senateur Francisco de la Cruz Haiti Senator Francisco Delacruz said President Michel Martelly has at least 7 or 8 candidates in this year's Presidential Elections... Martelly is not sure who can win so he drops a bomb hoping someone makes it... more »

Haiti - Senator Fransisco De la Cruz refuses to comment on DESRAS Return to the Senate

Haiti Senateur Francisco de la Cruz Haiti Senator Francisco De La Cruz says has no comments about Senator Desras Simon Dieuseul returning to the senate as Senator with the mandate of two thirds of the senate expired... Journal "Le Moniteur" nas the answer Delacruz tells Radio Signal FM... more »

Haiti - Senator Francisco de la Cruz wants political dialogues to resume because...

Haiti Senateur Francisco de la Cruz Haiti Senator Francisco de la Cruz is asking for the dialogues to continue between the political actors in Haiti and the government in regards to Elections in Haiti... more »