Corruption in Haiti

All news about Corruption in Haiti, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Corruption in Haiti


Senator Youri Latortue is a corrupt man pretending to be fighting against corruption, ex PM Jacques Edouard Alexis says

Senateur Youri Latortue Former Haitian prime minister Jacques Edouard Alexis accuses Senator Youri Latortue of being a corrupt man pretending to be fighting against corruption. more »

Haitian Senator Don Kato says he will always fight to put a technician in a position of power inside government

Senateur Antonio 'Don Kato' Cheramy Haitian opposition senator Antonio 'Don Kato' Cheramy tried to make a difference between him who placed a technician as a director in CAS (Caise d'Asistance Sociale) under President Privert and Senator who put a Ministre or Directeur General in ONA to steal money for him. more »

Transparency International Haiti wants Haitians in power to reduce their lavish lifestyle

Transparency International, Haiti branch, has called on the executive and legislative powers to reduce their lifestyle. Haitian Senators and Deputes in Parliament and members of the government function well above the economic reality of the country with advantages and privileges that go beyond understanding. According to Marilyn Allien, this situation can weigh in the index of perception of corruption in Haiti. more »

Embezzlement - Haitian Senate President Lambert accused of renting his own home for $8 million with taxpayers money

Senateur Joseph Lambert - President du Senat Former Haitian senator Ricard Pierre accused of Senate president Joseph Lambert of embezzling taxpayers money by renting his own home to the State for 8 million gourdes so he himself can live in it. more »

Everyone in Haiti is talking about corruption like it's a freaking television sitcom

Haiti is a funny place, let me tell you... Each and every sector is talking about corruption like it's the other guy's fault. It's like the bible says. The big stick is in their eyes and they are pointing to the other guy. more »

Haiti president Jovenel Moise in Peru for a summit on corruption

Haiti president Jovenel Moise is on a visit to Peru as part of the Eighth Summit of the Americas of Heads of State and Government to be held April 13-14, 2018, on the theme of "Democratic governance in the face of corruption". more »

Haiti fight against corruption - The United States wants president Jovenel Moise to move from words to action

President Jovenel Moise and President Donald Trump Haitian president Jovenel Moise has been talking about his fight against corruption for nearly a year. Now the United States wants him to act on it, move from words to action... more »

SCOOP: Haiti Arcahaie Opposition meeting was financed by a Ministre inside President Jovenel Government

Here is a scoop for you... Do you recall the political meeting that was held in Arcahaie Haiti recently? thie meeting was financed by a Ministre inside administration of President Jovenel Moise. more »

Haiti SCANDAL: Government Minister Pockets 950,000 Dollars US on School Kits

Haiti Kits Scholaire - Ministers making Huge profits News broke out in Haiti that one of the government Ministers has just pocketed 950,000 dollars US in profits from the creation "kits scholaire" for the opening of school this year. more »

Haiti Politik - Koripsyon pi red, Neg yo monte FIRM rapid pou yo fe lajan

Jounaliste Marco Jean Presimon (Radio SCOOP FM) di: "Peyi sa a... Genlè koripsyon pap janm fini ladan l paske chak nèg ki monte sou pouvwa, te mèt se 3 mwa li vini fè, nèg yo monte firm rapid pou yo fè kòb." more »