KPP - Katye Pam Poze - New Haiti Community-based Decentralization Program
The government of President Michel Martelly, working through the Ministry of Interior and local communities, launched Katye Pam Pose (KPP), an innovative, community-based decentralization program. Katye Pam Pose (KPP), which is the cornerstone of the Haitian government's National Decentralization Agenda, is focused on improving delivery of government services, as well as fostering development and job creation by promoting strong community involvement.
The overarching objectives of Katye Pam Pose are to bring decision-making closer to the citizen level; promote good governance; boost economic development and job creation; ensure the efficient delivery of public services; promote citizen safety, and accommodate the interests of diverse local interest groups.
According to Haiti's Minister of the Interior, Thierry Mayard-Paul, who will spearhead and coordinate the program nationwide, "Working community by community, Katye Pam Pose will guarantee access to basic social services and citizen safety to our people, which will lead to job creation and development."
Mayard-Paul explained that the launch of Katye Pam Pose will include a pilot program in 10 communities, representing all 10 departments. "That way, we can ensure that we address the specific needs of each community, under an integral and manageable framework, allowing us to make adjustments to enhance the program as it progresses," he said.
The range of actions within KPP include strengthening natural disaster mitigation efforts; improving the delivery of health, housing and education services; recover public spaces, develop local citizen initiatives and creating job opportunities in tandem with the private sector. "In the end, our goal is to improve the quality of life of the Haitian people by enabling safe and prosperous communities, right where they live," he said. "Building the capacity of citizens to manage and maintain KPP programs and infrastructure at the local level is very important to our administration, as is developing culture and sports programs. This is an ambitious decentralization program."
Broadly defined, decentralization is the process by which power and other resources are transferred from the central government to lower governmental levels, such as regions, departments, municipalities, and communal sections. This enables local entities to provide services to their communities and conduct local government tasks. According to Mayard-Paul, advocates believe that decentralization is one of the most effective ways to ensure that local governments are held accountable to the citizens they represent.
Mayard-Paul pointed out that Katye Pam Pose is a community-based program for decentralization modeled on successful experiences in other parts of the world, including Asia, the Americas, Africa, Europe and the United States. "However, it's a community-based model, a new and innovative Haitian approach to decentralization," he added.
"KPP pilot program in each of the 10 selected communities will be based on an in-depth participatory needs assessment diagnosis to ensure program implementation is prioritized by community need," said Mr. Mayard-Paul. "Assessments will determine the level of impact, the feasibility of implementing each initiative and will make it possible for us to tailor pilot programs to each specific community based on the priorities identified."
The Ministry of the Interior is also identifying and exploring national and international partnerships, that could accelerate deployment of KPP.
"The government of Haiti is committed to the success of Katye Pam Pose," said Minister Mayard-Paul. "In implementing the program, I am committed to carrying out the vision of President Martelly and his administration, driving sustainable development and job creation at the local level."
SOURCE Ministry of the Interior of Haiti via PRNewswire
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All Comments (7)
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas. C'etait la vision de notre premier Empereur.
Il voulait parcourir le pays et connaitre les potentialites de chaque region.
Le premier recenssement de la population a eu lieu d'ailleurs sous l'adminitration de Jean Jaques Dessalines.C'est peut etre une remise a l'heure, plus qu'un nouveau
KKP ce sa net min pou realize proje sa you Matelly pat doue pran tout ensem.
Si vraimen misie vle progre li doue pran yon proje pou kont li, fini li apre sa li pran deziem nan e lot kap swiv yo sinon se jis parol anpil ki pral fet san reelmen akonpli anyin serie.
Antou ka mrin swouete Mately bonne
A dire vrai, c'est pour la premiere fois un gouvernement Haitien a un progamme si vicieu ayant la capacite de couvrir tous les departements du pays. Je peux dire, si le gouvernement de Martelly arrive a realiser ce projet, Martelly deviendra le plus grand president d'Haiti.
Comme il n'est toujours pas facile d'accomplir une idee dans ce pays, je ne qu'a dit, se le jem we la kwe. Men, kom peyi-a gen anpil lajan kap gaspiye, si Michel Martelly ta vle li ka reyisi proje-a. En effet, c'est bon
I do support the topic, but I think if they want to do something nice or great; they have to include Ayisyen cap viv lot bo dlo yo ladan pou ka gen yon vre investisman cap fet nan biznis epi nan reconstwi peyi Haiti.
Pousa mwen panse Prezidan bezwen bay lod a tout anbasade ki nan diferan peyi yo pou contacte tout asyen sa yo epi pou konnen zone yo sorti an Haiti e mande si yo interese e vle patisipe nan KKP kom volonte pou develope des plans e projets modern pou permet Haiti rantre nan modernizasyon pou creye anploi nan tout domen sa yo; Mezon modern, Dlo portab, Electricite, super Marche, Ecole tecnic e profesyonel, Apatman modern pou lwe avec tout ekipman ecsetera.
The idea of creation a community-based decentralization in Haiti is great.
But, the problem is that how it is going to be appropriately done. You talk about using local Government as pilot to get it effective.
But of them you can really count on to carry out in a ethical manner certain responsiblities?
This is how you do it! Mr. president and associates don't be discourage We, The People, got Your
THIS iS FANTASTIC! Finally! Thumbs up for the Martelly's administration.
It's about time someone hold the citizens of this country accountable for what's going on in Haiti.
Haiti cannot developed without the involvement of all her daughters and sons. We need to stop waiting on our government to do E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G for us. I mean seriously, how do you expect one president to solve the problem of 10 billion people with a parliament full of idiots?
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