Since being elected, President Jovenel Moise had no time, no serenity, calm and tranquility to govern, ex senator said
Gabriel Fortune predicts more chaos to follow should President Jovenel leave prematurely
8 months later, in the first budget of Jovenel Moise, the opposition said it is a "Budget Crimminel".
Ever since, despite the fact the Caravan Changement started, Jovenel Moise had no time, no serenity, calm and tranquility to continue to govern until we arrived where are today.
Government after government, at the Senate of the Republic, Jovenel Moise has a majority, 4 to 5 senators commit acts of vandalism, banditry and delinquent acts to prevent sessions from being held.
All these put in question the fundamental rules of democracy. If one wins an elections, are you not the one who is supposed to exercise power? And in what ambiance?
Inside Parliament they put in question the rules of democracy.
In other words, the majority in the Senate has no rights, the majority cannot function. This is what's happening.
Is there good governance in Haiti today?
NO, there is not, and the first responsibility falls on the Jovenel Moise regime and the president himself.
However, If you are looking at President Jovenel in his function in an isolated manner, without considering the entire system which he is a part of, you will not understand anything at all.
These are the words of Jean Gabriel Fortune in a recent radio interview discussion the current political situation in Haiti with the opposition refusing to sit down and dialogue with president Jovenel Moise, instead, the opposition is in the streets trying to force him to resign
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