Haiti Polique - Audio & Video

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L'opposition en Haiti se yon Game, yon jwet, dapre jounalis Guerrier HenriL'opposition en Haiti se yon Game, yon jwet, dapre jounalis Guerrier Henri
Tande sa... Jounalis Guerrier Henri eksplike kijan neg ki nan opozisyon en Haiti yo se yon jwet y ap jwe epi se pou yo...
AUDIO: Senateur Rony Celestin Avili Granneg Haiti ki prefere finanse manifestation olye yo peye taksAUDIO: Senateur Rony Celestin Avili Granneg Haiti ki prefere finanse manifestation olye yo peye taks
Tande sa... Senateur Rony Celestin Avili yon bann Granneg Haiti ki prefere finanse manifestation olye yo peye taks. Y...
AUDIO: Ratification PM Ceant, Senateur Rony Celestin Reponn question journaliste Marie Lucie BonhomeAUDIO: Ratification PM Ceant, Senateur Rony Celestin Reponn question journaliste Marie Lucie Bonhome
Tande AUDIO sa: Senateur Rony Celestin te reponn question journaliste Marie Lucie Bonhomme nan espas Invite du Jour...
VIDEO: President Martelly di Jerry Tardieu ap fe afe pa l nan zafe amandman konstitisyon anVIDEO: President Martelly di Jerry Tardieu ap fe afe pa l nan zafe amandman konstitisyon an
Watch this video... Haitian President Michel Martelly criticized Depute Jerry Tardieu for not contacting him as a...
AUDIO: Haiti - Tande pouki rezon PM Jean Henry Ceant sou wout pou remet demisyon l bay prezidan Jovenel MoiseAUDIO: Haiti - Tande pouki rezon PM Jean Henry Ceant sou wout pou remet demisyon l bay prezidan Jovenel Moise
Listen to this audio... Newly nominated prime minister Jean Henry Ceant threatened to resign. Why? Journalist Marie...
AUDIO: PetroCaribe - Reginald Boulos di arete President Martelly paske li di AUDIO: PetroCaribe - Reginald Boulos di arete President Martelly paske li di "Lajan PetroCaribe li vole a"
Haitian Businessman Reginald Boulos believes actions should've been taken against Haitian President Michel Martelly...
Wilson Laleau  PetroCaribe Interview - Le Point - Tele MetropoleWilson Laleau PetroCaribe Interview - Le Point - Tele Metropole
Watch this video... Wilson Laleau fait Le Point sur Tele Metropole - Dossier PetroCaribe, 03 Sept 2018. Listen to what...
AUDIO: Haiti - Declaration Senateur Jean Marie Salomon apre atantan sou lavi liAUDIO: Haiti - Declaration Senateur Jean Marie Salomon apre atantan sou lavi li
Listen to this audio... Haitian senator made some serious accusations after he nearly lost his life in an ambush, he...
VIDEO: Kote Kob PetroCaribe a? Reponse de Wilson LaleauVIDEO: Kote Kob PetroCaribe a? Reponse de Wilson Laleau
Watch this video... What happenned to the Petrocaribe money in Haiti? Listen the answers of Wilson Laleau, former...
VIDEO: Haiti - Intervention du Senateur Rony CelestinVIDEO: Haiti - Intervention du Senateur Rony Celestin
Gade video saa... Haiti - Senate Rony Celestin di koleg li yo" "Nou TOUT se Djab, Ann antre anndan yon legliz pou nou...